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Reliability Maintenance ( Chapter Basic )

This Chapter will talk about reliability Maintenance , how to develop and step by step implementation of reliability in practical way.
Reliability Maintenance  is a strategy that  implemented to optimize maintenance program of plant or facility. the out put or "goal" of this is the specific maintenance strategy for each assets or equipment in our plant to control break down of equipment and / or to control forced aging of the equipment.

what is maintenance Strategy ?
nowadays there are 4 maintenance  Run to failure/reactive, Preventive, Predictive and Proactive Maintenance.
please see below, chart of best practice for maintenance strategy

10% from the assets with Reactive Maintenance, 20% from the assets with Preventive Maintenance, 50% from the assets for Predictive Maintenance and 20% from the assets for Proactive Maintenance.
lets get back to the Reliability maintenance.

figure above describe step by step of basic develop reliability maintenace for our assets base on outhor experience and in practical way.

1. Review FL / Master Position
Review Function Location ( FL ) / Master position for each assets  to get the latest data from equipment installed in the field and also to group the equipment by function so that more easy to us to do equipment  criticality rank review as the next step.


review FL by their Master position or their function of the equipment , not individual equipment.
e.g. centrifugal  pumps + Electrical Motor.   
What I did, was not separate reviews between pump and it's motor, as the pump drive, because they are a
functional unit.

2. Criticality Rank Review
This part already explain in my previous page, please see "Equipment Criticality Analysis" chapter.

3. Review Technical Specification and Bill of Material - S.Part

equipment technical specification describe characteristic of the equipment e.g.  equipment ID, Manufacture, Serial Number, Type/Model, Technical data ( torque, Ratio, Maxi Speed, Service Factor, Dimension, and etc ). All of the spec we can refer to the manual book.
Bill of Material  are bill of materials describes what parts are installed on the equipment and the qty.

figure above is a example of Technical  specification and Bill of Material of the equipment  review  which will later upload to SAP.

that's important for us to upload Bill of Material into our CMMS ( SAP ) to making it easier to plan and schedule maintenance work, easier to control and monitor spare part available and to avoid loss time due to spare part not available.

4. FMEA ( Failure Mode and Effect Analysis )
FMEA is a structural approach to discover potential failure that may exist within design of a product or process.
in this part, we will review failure mode and possible cause of the equipment damage.

Figure above is an example of the FMEA.
we can start to do FMEA for equipment with criticality Rank "A"

5. Task List

define task list of the equipment  to manage maintenance task of our pieces of equipment to help our prepare maintenance plan and schedule, define task list also we can plan for job duration, personnel for execute the job, and work duration.
this task list will help our planner to create work package for the weekly planning abnormality. please see chapter  "maintenance planning".

figure above is an example of the task list that will we upload to our CMMS ( SAP ), which will automatically link to the function location.

Above is a brief explanation or best practice of applying the concept of Reliability Maintenance base on author experience.


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